Sunday, September 18, 2005

At home in Jerusalem

This weekend I have to limit my adventures. It’s my last weekend here so I have lots of work to do. I stayed in all day except when I walked down to the corner to buy some bread. A couple of hours later I was sitting at my desk when I heard a lot of noise. Some small explosions followed by some screams. Not too much, just a little. Anyway, so sure enough I look out the window down to the corner right where the bread man's cart is and there are a whole bunch of soldiers pulling people out of a car and seeming to be hitting something, though I didn’t have my glasses on so who knows what was really happening. There were more bangs, some bright flashes, screams, people running and a few shots, but all ‘low level’ nothing that sounded too bad. Eventually my friend rang me and filled me in on the story. Apparently the soldiers believed they identified a suspicious pack and they bought in the robot to blow it up. That must have been just past the corner as I didn't see the robot myself (though I confess I am kinda interested to see one...). Tonight I’m still at my desk working (ok so this is a little break) and instead there is great loud Arabic music playing from a wedding going on nearby and the loud bangs in the air are celebratory fireworks floating up to the full moon.

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