Friday, November 03, 2006

The beautiful Isla del Sol

Last weekend I went to the Isla del Sol in Lake Titicaca for the weekend with a group of people from work. It was so much fun and such a beautiful place. I went to the Isla del Sol earlier in the year for a day trip and I thought it would be great to go back to and stay for a while, so this time we at least went and stayed overnight. It's hard to describe its beauty, because even though it is visually beautiful, its great magic is in the ambience, there is just something divine about it. We did a bit of walking around (or should say Up) the island and then at sunset went to a point at the top with a bottle of wine. There wasn't a colourful sunset because of the clouds, but instead a beautiful silver and blue evening. From the top of the hill to the east were the white snowy mountains, to the west all silver and shimmery in the sunset was Peru and ahead the beautiful colours of Copacabana. Our little hostel looked out towards the west to Peru. Once night fell there is not much to do on the island but we made ourselves cosy in the little restaurant of the hostel sitting on llama wool cushion, eating trout from the Lake and polished off a few more bottles of wine... after about 4 bottles between the 5 of us we proceeded to drive away the rest of the customers with our laughter!

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