Saturday, October 28, 2006

Just hanging out in La Paz

Hello hello. I am in Bolivia and have up til now just been hanging out in La Paz, which you all already know that I just love. So not much adventures to recount as have just been working and hanging out here, went for karaoke last night and going dancing tonight, going to Lake Titicaca for the weekend and then starting a bigger adventure end of next week at which time will have more to tell. Here is a photo of me picking up some strawberries on the way home from work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - hope all's well. There's a very old place (pre-inca) called Tiaunnacu (TIA-WON-ARKU)(??) can't recall spelling! You should check it out if you can - some very interesting history - only a short stop really but good as a little side.

Are you going to get to do the Inca Trail??

Luv Shan